
About the Conference

The first "Governance and Public Policy Conference" will be held with the aim of gathering and exchanging views from various fields of research including public administration, public policy, political science, law, economics and sociology. The goal is to provide a ground for presenting the latest issues, trends, initiatives in public administration as an interdisciplinary subject.
The process of public policy in Iran has shown successes and challenges. The sharing of these experiences, on the one hand, and the presentation of the latest scientific achievements in this field, on the other hand, provide a unique opportunity for analyzing public policy in Iranian context. Reviewing case studies in different subjects will allow policy makers to hear the opinions of experts in that area and help them make decisions for future.


  • What Does Governance Mean?

    What Does Governance Mean?

    Daniel Kaufmann and Aart Kraay, Natural Resource Governance Institute. The concept of governance ...

  • Wicked Problems in Public Policy

    Wicked Problems in Public Policy

    Brian W Head,The University of Queensland Public managers are considering a range of strategies t ...

  • Why Regulation?

    Why Regulation?

    Robert Baldwin and Martin Cave, London School of Economics and Political science Motives for regu ...

  • Regulation of sectorial regulators

    Regulation of sectorial regulators

    Amir-Ahmad Zolfaghari, State and Policy Studies Think Tank While the regulators are responsible f ...
